Hahahaha...memang geli mat lagu ni...hahaha
Monday, March 30, 2009
Aww.. geli mat!!
Hahahaha...memang geli mat lagu ni...hahaha
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Dah tak macam dulu lagi.
Apa yang dah diorang buat ni?
Sampai panas macam ni sekali.
Bikin darah naik tinggi.
Tapi ni cuma duniawi.
Akhirat jua yang hakiki.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
機甲創世記 モスピーダ (Kiko Soseiki Mosupida)

Aoi naifu ni atsume ta MOONLIGHT
Ikiba na kushita omae o utsusu jujika
Ima wa kizanda yume o
Michi zure ni shite tabi ni deru ga iisa
Toi hi ni okizari nishita monogatari o
Ai ni kaete uta ate ageru
Otoko wa dare mo LONELY SOLDIER BOY
Kohaku iro no otoko no yume doko ni
Yume no atsusa ga kanashisugiru
Migite no hikaru naifu yoru o kirisaku
Tada no kuchizuke dake ja
Sabishii darou daite ageru sono inochi
Kono hoshi ni akari tomoshita monogatari ga
Mezame ru made uta ate ageru
Otoko ha itsumo LONELY SOLDIER BOY
Kokoro sabishii LONELY SOLDIER BOY
Kohaku iro no otoko no yume doko ni
Toi hi ni okizari nishita monogatari o
Ai ni kaete uta ate ageru
Otoko wa dare mo LONELY SOLDIER BOY
Kohaku iro no otoko no yume doko ni
OK, selamat berMOSPEADA... " Do you remember that ol'lullaby "
Saturday, March 21, 2009
728 Misfits
Apart from the main band, Balzac is also well known in the scene for their multiple side-projects who mainly consist on the same members of the band playing on a different style or under an specific theme.
The origins of this band date back to the year of 2004 when Balzac first released a CD entitled "Zodiac Killer" under the name of Zodiac and even going further by playing live events under that name too. Both the name and lyrics of the band, as well as the merchandise, are based in the famous North American serial killer know as the Zodiac Killer. This cold-blooded assassin gained much recognition for his cruel killings and encrypted letters that sent both to the police and newspapers. He was never caught. On 2006 the band created the Zodiac Fan Club (Z.F.C.), and off-shoot of the Fiendish Club dedicated to the new band and only available for Japanese residents, they also released the first and so far only full-length album, "Beware On Halloween". The musical style of Zodiac's song have the same sound and style as old Balzac songs during the first years of existence of the later band. As they do with Balzac, the band has also released toys and clothing under the Zodiac's name and image.
The Deranged Mad Zombies
The Deranged Mad Zombies, like Zodiac, is a band composed by the same members of Balzac and first appeared on 2006. The name came come from various influences of singer/songwriter Hirosuke. "Deranged" is the title of one of his favorite movies. "Mad" derives from the name of one of his favorite Japanese bands, the Mad Capsule Markets and "Zombies" is taken from The Misfits song "Astrozombies". More than a side-project, this band is an experiment by the band members who felt like doing it just for fun. All the songs released under this name are in fact Balzac songs, mixed down rougher and trashier, giving each song a more of a lo-fi and under-produced sound. For the full-length album the band launched under this moniker they kept their identities hidden using nicknames and showing no track list and band photo in the package. Only 20 copies of the self-titled CD were pre-ordered before the fans found that this was in fact Balzac in disguise. So far the band has released two more albums and one official bootleg under this name.
728 Misfits, also known as Naniwa Misfits, is a Misfits-cover band formed by the same members of the Japanese horror punk band, Balzac. This is the less known side-project of the band and the only one without any official release. So far Balzac has kept this band only for special and rare live events, without any know plans on releasing anything using this alter-ego. Around the Internet on p2p programs can be found a bootleg containing a rehearsal of this band, as well as a bootleg video of their famous live event in Molotov Club in Hamburg,Germany.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Hujan membasahi bumi nan indah
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Guitar Hero Action Figure

Monday, March 16, 2009
Yang Ditunggu Sudah Tiba Versi Eddie Cyborg
Sunday, March 15, 2009
MANOWAR – Fighting the World
Fighting the World for the right to play
Heavy Metal in my brain
I’m fightin’ for Metal ‘cause it’s here to stay”
Alkisah aku ada dua versi album Manowar-Fighting the World ni. Versi CD dan vinyl. Mula beli versi vinyl (ehem..abg aku da yg beli, skrg ni aku yg simpan), lepas tu baru beli versi CD (yg ni aku beli). Meh aku cerita skit lagu2 apa ada dlm album ni. Kita tgk track apa yg ada dlm album ni.
2. Blow Your Speakers – 3:43
3. Carry On – 4:19
4. Violence and Bloodshed – 4:01
5. Defender – 6:06
6. Drums of Doom – 1:16
7. Holy War – 4:45
8. Master of Revenge – 1:34
9. Black Wind, Fire and Steel – 5:16
Hah kau, siap minit lagi aku bg (ni ikut mcm kat CD, kalau kat vinyl dia punya minit berbeza). Album di bawah rilisan Atlantic Recording Corporation (Atco) ni mula dirilis pd tahun 1987. Bagi aku album ini adalah antara album Manowar yg best selain Kings of Metal (yg terbaik pd pendapat peribadi aku, huhuhu). Album yang lain bukannya tak best, best gak, cuma yg dua ni lain skit (skali lg, pendapat peribadi).
Jom tgk track 1, dimulakan dgn pukulan drums Scott Columbus, pastu gitar Ross the Boss dan bass Joey DeMaio, pastu suara ramai2 menyebut perkataan “fight!” mcm time konsert pastu barulah Eric Adams memuntahkan vocal bertenaganya.
Track 2, Blow Your Speaker, dimulakan dgn rentak biasa, “Wrote a letter to the MTV” lirik permulaan nyanyian Eric Adams. Agak rock n’ roll skit lagu ni. Ada cerita disebalik lagu ni. Aku tak ingat la, mesti psl rancangan MTV gak ni. Yang aku tau lagu ni antara lagu pilihan VH1 sbg antara 40 Most Awesomely Bad Metal Songs. Mesti kes dendam kesumat ni. Tp bg aku, best. Aku rasa diorg (VH1) dgr tak korek/buang taik telinga kot.
Track 7, lagu yg disambung terus dr track 6. Dgr lagu ni mcm nak gi perang je. Lagu pun tajuk perang, Holy War.
Track 8, lagu lirik empat kerat, mcm pantun pula. Lebih pada bunyi2 gitar Ross.
Aku suka tgk cover depan album ni. Kalau Iron Maiden ngan Derek Riggs sbg illustrator, Manowar pula ngan Ken Kelly. Lukisan cover adalah line-up Manowar tgh berdiri (dr kiri Ross the Boss, Joey DiMaio, Scott Columbus dan Eric Adams) diikuti dgn berjuta org follow dr blakang. Ada yg ikut angkat2 tgn gaya Eric Adams. Sampai lava gunung berapi pun diorg redah. Tukul ngan pedang biasanya ada dlm setiap cover rilisan Manowar. Ok lah. Aku pun dah lapar ni.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Capella Metal???
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Iron Maiden- Somewhere in Time versi Pirate yang rare..hahaha

P/S: Jairo kita order awal sgt la, rugi woo usd4. Huhuhuhu.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
X Japan - Endless Rain
Friday, March 6, 2009
Ikan Emas Yang Mempunyai Muka Manusia
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
The Greatest American Hero
Teringat pula masa kecik2 dulu.